GoTwitch is a random Twitch streamer picker. It’s a simple web app that allows you to pick a random streamer using a set of filters. It’s built with Go and Vue.js.

Access the app at


There are a lot of Twitch streamers out there, and it’s hard to find a good one to watch. GoTwitch allows you to pick a random streamer using a set of filters matching your criteria. The app also allows you to save your filters for later use.


  • Pick a random streamer
  • Filter by game
  • Filter by language
  • Save filters on local storage

How it works

The frontend is a single page application in Vue.js that communicates with the backend using a REST API.

The backend has jobs that run on a schedule to update the database with the latest data from the Twitch API. The data is stored in a PostgreSQL database. When the user requests a random streamer, the backend queries the database applying the filters and returns the result to the frontend. We also have a job that keeps the categories up to date.



  • Vue.js
  • Vuetify 3 Beta (Material Design)
  • TypeScript


  • Go (with Gin and GORM)
  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL